
This module defines a Connexion specific options class to pass to the Connexion App or API.

Module Contents



Class holding connexion specific options.


filter_values(dictionary: dict) → dict

Remove None value entries in the dictionary.




connexion.options.NO_UI_MSG = Multiline-String
Show Value
1The swagger_ui directory could not be found.
2    Please install connexion with extra install: pip install connexion[swagger-ui]
3    or provide the path to your local installation by passing swagger_path=<your path>
class connexion.options.ConnexionOptions(options=None, oas_version=(2,))

Class holding connexion specific options.

extend(self: Optional[dict], new_values=None) ConnexionOptions

Return a new instance of ConnexionOptions using as default the currently defined options.

property openapi_spec_available(self) bool

Whether to make available the OpenAPI Specification under openapi_spec_path.

Default: True

property openapi_console_ui_available(self) bool

Whether to make the OpenAPI Console UI available under the path defined in openapi_console_ui_path option.

Default: True

property openapi_spec_path(self) str

Path to mount the OpenAPI Console UI and make it accessible via a browser.

Default: /openapi.json for openapi3, otherwise /swagger.json

property openapi_console_ui_path(self) str

Path to mount the OpenAPI Console UI and make it accessible via a browser.

Default: /ui

property openapi_console_ui_from_dir(self) str

Custom OpenAPI Console UI directory from where Connexion will serve the static files.

Default: Connexion’s vendored version of the OpenAPI Console UI.

property openapi_console_ui_config(self) dict

Custom OpenAPI Console UI config.

Default: None

property openapi_console_ui_index_template_variables(self) dict

Custom variables passed to the OpenAPI Console UI template.

Default: {}

property uri_parser_class(self) connexion.decorators.uri_parsing.AbstractURIParser

The class to use for parsing URIs into path and query parameters. Default: None

connexion.options.filter_values(dictionary: dict) dict

Remove None value entries in the dictionary.


