
How to use

Put your API YAML inside a folder in the root path of your application (e.g swagger\) and then do

import connexion

app = connexion.App(__name__, specification_dir='swagger/')


Connexion uses Jinja2 to allow the parametrization of specifications.

The specification arguments can be defined globally for the application or for each specific api:

app = connexion.App(__name__, specification_dir='swagger/', arguments={'global': 'global_value'})
app.add_api('my_api.yaml', arguments={'api_local': 'local_value'})
app.run(port = 8080)

If a value is provided both globally and on the api then the api value will take precedence.


Connexion uses the OperationId from each Operation Object to identify which function should handle each url.

For example:

      operationId: myapp.api.hello_world

If you provided this path in your specification POST requests to http://MYHOST/hello_world would be handled by the function hello_world in myapp.api.

Additionally you can also define a basePath on the top level of the API specification, which is useful for versioned APIs. If you wanted to serve the previous endpoint from http://MYHOST/1.0/hello_world you could do:

basePath: /1.0

      operationId: myapp.api.hello_world

Other alternative if you don’t want to include the base path in your specification is provide the base path when adding the API to your application:

app.add_api('my_api.yaml', base_path='/1.0')

Request Handling

Connexion validates incoming requests for conformance with the schemas described in swagger specification.

Request parameters will be provided to the handler functions as keyword arguments if they are included in the function’s signature, otherwise body parameters can be accessed from connexion.request.json and query parameters can be accessed from connexion.request.args.

Response Serialization

By default and if the specification defines that a endpoint produces only json, connexion will automatically serialize the return value for you and set the right content type in the HTTP header. If the endpoint produces a single non json mimetype then connexion will automatically set the right content type in the HTTP header.

Error Handling

By default connexion error messages are JSON serialized according to Problem Details for HTTP APIs.

Application can return errors using connexion.problem.

Swagger Json

Connexion makes the Swagger specification in json format available from swagger.json in the base path of the api.

Swagger UI

The Swagger UI for an API is available, by default, in {base_path}/ui/ where base_path is the base path of the api.

You can disable the swagger ui either at application level:

app = connexion.App(__name__, port = 8080, specification_dir='swagger/', swagger_ui=False)

You can also disable it at api level:

app = connexion.App(__name__, port = 8080, specification_dir='swagger/')
app.add_api('my_api.yaml', swagger_ui=False)

Likewise, you can configure the filesystem and URL paths to the Swagger UI documentation:

app = connexion.App(__name__, port = 8080, specification_dir='swagger/')
app.add_api('my_api.yaml', swagger_path='/path/to/swagger-ui', swagger_url='doc')

Server Backend

By default connexion uses the default flask server but you can also use Tornado as the http server, to do so set server to tornado:

import connexion

app = connexion.App(__name__, port = 8080, specification_dir='swagger/', server='tornado')